Endless Mile
What you need to know
We Will Start With a Few Rules
First, we are required to have all these rules in order for runners to be able to set nation records. And runners attempting such records are required to adhere strictly to these rules. Anyone attempting to set a national record must notify Southeastern Trail Runs in advance. We will enforce these rules for those going after such lofty records.
If you are going after a state record, you must still adhere to the rules that matter. You cannot run on the inside of the course. Obviously, you cannot cut the course. You must re-enter the course where you leave it. NO DOPING! NO IVs or oxygen. If a friend wants to run a lap or two with you, we do not care. (a few laps!)
Even If you are just running for run, you still can’t cut the course or run on the inside of the trail.
Here are a few Endless Mile rules for everyone. Please follow them.
Aid Station food is for RUNNERS ONLY. If you have a crew or friends at the race, bring supplies for them.
Be sure your crew understands, the Aid Station food is FOR RUNNERS ONLY. (Did I mention this already?)
Runners often slow down or stop in front of the TV monitors by the timing arch to check their progress. If you are running through the timing arch at a faster pace than those around you, please move to the outside. Last year, we had a few collisions.
Runners may leave the course to use their car as an aid station or to retrieve supplies. Return to the course at the spot you left from.
Runners may sleep in their vehicles. Again, return to the course at the spot you left from.
Runners may leave the race for any reason and return later. If you need to leave the park, turn in your HuTag at the timing tent before you go. When you return, you must pick it up before resuming your run.
We will reverse directions every 6 hours. If you have started a lap and decide to take a break, when you return, continue the lap you started. In some cases, this may have you running in the opposite direction of all the other runners.
When we reverse directions we will place an orange cone on the second Timing Mat. Circle around the orange cone to reverse directions.
If you are in no particular hurry and a faster runners comes up behind in a turn, please allow them the inside lane. (This is not a rule. It’s just being courteous.) We will have runners going for national records.
Endless Mile Rules for those trying to set USATF Records
ALL athletes competing with the intent to break records where results have to be certified are REQUIRED to notify the Race Directors prior to the start of the competition as they will be REQUIRED to follow the USATF, IAAF and IAU rules. Anti-Doping testing will be ADMINISTERED at the completion of the race.
For the USA Track & Field competition rules visit the official site: USATF Competition Rules
For the IAAF competition rules visit the official site: IAAF Competion Rules
For the World Anti-Doping Agency rules and prohibited substances visit the official site: WADA Prohibited List Additional Rules
All other athletes will be required to follow the general Southeastern Trail Runs race rules listed below and to exercise common sense. (Rules typed in RED apply only to runners competing for a state, national or world record)
All athletes are required to be registered for the race, registration fees must be paid, and their liability waiver signed before they will be allowed to start the race.
Race Packets and Runner Check-in will take place the afternoon before each race and again about an hour before the start of each race.
Runners are required to provide an official government ID at packet pickup. We will check your ID to verify age and gender. Runners must compete in the age group and the gender indicated on their ID. NO EXCEPTIONS!
A pre-race meeting will take place 10 minutes prior to the official listed start time for each race. Attendance is MANDATORY for athletes intending to set a record.
All athletes must check-in and pick up HuTags and bibs, no more than 15 minutes prior to the start of each race.
Each race starts promptly at the time posted on the official race website (09:00 AM)
Any athlete arriving late for the start may still run, however your start time will not be adjusted. You just gave everyone else a head start.
Each race will end exactly at the announced time.
Athletes on the course at the end of each race will be given a flag to mark their progress on their last lap, distance which will be measured for accurate results.
Bib numbers and HuTag timing chips will be handed out at packet pickup before each race.
Bib numbers must be worn at all times in front of the body and be visible to race officials.
HuTags must be worn around the ankle at all times, or your laps will not be timed.
No runner may run on the inside of the track. You MUST stay on the paved trail at all times while running the course. If you wish or need to run on the grass, run on the outside of the course. Running inside the paved path is considered cutting the course and we will be forced to disqualify you.
Athletes leaving the track to receive aid, use the restrooms or go to personal aid stations etc. MUST return to the track at exactly the same place they left the track.
Any athletes wishing to leave the park for any reason, and return at a later time, MUST surrender their race bib and HuTag to a race official and specify the approximate time when they plan to return.
No pacers are allowed for athletes competing for any records except visually impaired athletes.
No pacers are allowed for any athlete seeking USATF record ratification (see USATF rules on pacers)
Runners may change distances up to 24 hours before the race start and maintain eligibility for awards in the new distance. Changes after that will result in the runner being ineligible for place awards in the new distance.
Athletes may change races during the event. That is, after the start, for example, a 12 hour runner may move up to the 24 hour or down to the 6 hour. However, when you make the change during the race you are no longer eligible for place awards in the new distance.
Runners may leave the race prior to the official end time. Race officials must be notified and the Bib and timing chip must be turned in.
Runners that do not return the HuTag will be considered DNF until the HuTag is Returned.
Runners may use their car as an aid station and may leave the course to go to your car.
If you use your car as an aid station, you must return to the course at the exact spot you left the course.
Allow faster runners to pass on the inside lane of the track.
NO RUNNER is allowed to have a pacer. However, friends and family are welcome run a few laps with you from time to time. (That is, IF YOU ARE NOT GOING FOR ANY STATE, NATIONAL, or WORLD RECORD.)
Aid Station food is for RUNNERS ONLY.
Athletes may use headphones, cell phones, I-Pods etc. but please remove them when you enter the aid station so volunteers can communicate with you.
At night, please keep the level of noise to a minimum. The park is surrounded on three sides by neighborhoods. We want to keep the neighbors happy!
The course is lighted, but we recommend having a headlamp or flashlight available in the event of a power failure or other lighting problems.
Sometimes a light or two will be out during the race. Also, It is fairly dark in places between the lights. You may choose to use a headlamp at night. Many do use headlamps or flashlights.
Anti-Doping Tests might be randomly administrated during the race to insure a clean athletic event. A participant who refuses to submit to a doping control or who has tested positive will be automatically disqualified and must return any eventual awards
All finishers will receive a “finisher medal,” All finishers completing over 100 miles in any event will receive a 100 miles belt buckle in addition to the finisher medal. Runners finishing over 200 miles will receive hand crafted sterling silver buckles. The custom buckles will be sent out following the race.
Overall place awards will be given in all races. To receive the finisher medal, the athlete MUST be present at the end of their race.
We revise the right to adjust the Endless Mile course should the adjustment be required by any government agency.
We reserve the right to cancel or postpone the Endless Mile race should the change or cancellation be required by any city, state or federal government agency.
In the event of cancellation of the 2023 Endless Mile for any reason of which Southeasetern Trial Runs has no control, such as extreme weather, flooding, fire, park closing by the city or other government agencies, the participant agrees that he/she is not entitled to any participation fee return or remuneration for any traveling or hotel expenses incurred.
If the Endless Mile is cancelled for any reason beyond the control of Southeastern Trail Runs, less than 30 days prior to the race, all entries will be rolled over to next year’s Endless Mile. Refunds will not be given.
If the Endless Mile is cancelled more than 30 days prior to the Race, participants may request a full refund of 85% of their registration fee or the entry may be rolled over to the next year’s race. (Refunds will not include fees collected by the registration company or taxes.)
Southeastern Trail Runs races follow the ideals of the Olympic Spirit. All athletes MUST maintain at all times impeccable behavior, and sportsmanship. (OK, reasonably good behavior will do!)
For ANY and ALL emergencies, contact race officials and call 911.
Regular Aid Station food and drink, including, Tailwind and electrolyte capsules, chips, sandwiches, cookies, and other standard aid station food will be provided day and night. Other foods, such as hot sandwiches, quesadillas, soup, coffee, bacon, eggs, pancakes, and other foods, will be available at times. Check the website for a list of food and check out the “menu” chalk board at the race.
Pets are welcome at Veteran’s Park in Alabaster. They may run free in designated areas. For the safety and consideration of others, please keep all pets on a leash at all times at a distance not greater than six (6) feet from their handler. Handlers are required to clean up and properly dispose of any waste produced by their animals.
Race Directors reserve the right to deny entry to any athlete who had previously failed anti-doping tests, or was disqualified from any other races for cheating even if was originally admitted into the race.
In addition to the race rules the athletes and their crews are obligated to follow all the rules and regulations of the park, city, county and state laws.
The Race Director(s) reserve the right to amend the race rules at any time prior to the start of the competition.
Endless Mile is designed to help athletes push their limits and overcome adversity! We WILL NOT "pamper" athletes. It is an event where athletes are expected to race without entitlement, under the core beliefs of the Olympic Spirit! Any athlete violating any of the rules or the Olympic creed will be asked to leave the course immediately and will be banned from future editions.
The Volunteers at Endless Mile are not paid. They give up their weekend and more, to make this race possible. Please be respectful at ALL TIMES. Volunteers are NOT your personal crew. Please DO NOT ask them for favors or to run errands for you.
To sum up all the rules in one sentence, “Be nice to everyone and Have a Blast!”
(But don’t cut the course)