Blood Rock - All Races
100 Mile or 50 Mile Endurance Trail Race
or 50K & 25K Southeastern Trail Series Races
December 5th - 7th, 2024
Oak Mountain State Park, Birmingham, Alabama
2025 Blood Rock Registration is open
all blood rock races will use the belcher tract.
the 100 & the 50 Mile, the 25K & 50K,
The 2025 Blood Rock course is much less different than previous years. Those that have run Blood Rock before will find the course much less demanding. I will not use the work, “Easier.” Total elevation gain for the 51.32 mile loop is 8,659 feet or 17,318 total gain for the 100. The big difference is that about 1/3 of the course is on the Belcher Tract. Much of this section is less hilly than the original park sections. Some sections are almost flat. Also, for 2025 we are incorporating most of the Blue Trail into the race, eliminating the very difficult “Ridge Sections” of the Rim-Walk-East trail.
New for the 2025, we will provide SPOT Trackers for all 100 mile runners. This will provide live tracking for hundred milers. 50 milers may rent trackers if desired. We used SPOT Trackers at the Southern States 200 to keep track of runners and loved it. The trackers allow each runner’s crew and the aid station volunteers, to know where every runner is at all times during the race. It also allows the race staff to watch the progress of each runner throughout the race. We can also go back and look at individual tracks after the race. The trackers eliminate the need to have runners check in and out each time they pass through an aid station.
A Short Exposé on the Blood Rock Sections in the Belcher Track.
The new course is considerably easier than the old Blood Rock 100 or 50 mile loop. The new course has 8,659 feet of gain per 51.32 mile loop. That works out to 17,318 feet of gain in the 100. There are still plenty of tough climbs but there are now long gentle sections between most climbs. The race will cover the Belcher Tract from one end to the other and take runners past all three of the beautiful mountain lakes in the tract.
Belcher Rd is a 6 mile long gravel road running the length of the Belcher Track. The BR race uses most of Belcher Rd. Some sections are almost totally flat, especially at the bottom of the valley along the railroad tracks near Hwy 11. There are some long, gentle downhill sections and some steep uphill and downhill. There is nothing on the road I can’t drive in my 2-wheel drive F150. Cars are not allowed into the Belcher Tract.
Belcher Road gives runners access to the beautiful lakes in the Belcher Trace. Runners will first reach Belcher Road at the top of the Crack-in-the-Wall Climb. There, they will head southwest along the road and pass along the shore of Summit Lake This old spring fed quarry lake sits on the crest of the ridge. The Summit Lake Aid Stations will be located in the grassy area along the lake shore.
Summit Lake Aid STation locatoin, 1/2 mile past the top of Crack-in-the-Wall.
About a half mile past the aid station, runners will drop down the Old Quarry Trail into OMSP. They will then follow the Quarry Trail back up to the Eagle Nest Ridge and down the other side. After a shot “gentle’ish” climb, runners will again reach Belcher Rd for a ½ mile descent to Demopolis Lake, the largest of the three lakes.
Demopolis Lake
Pass by the fishing camp and leave the road on a new multi-use tail running along the lake’s spillway, then climbing to the top of the ridge to your right. Turn right and follow an old road along the ridge for about a mile to Belcher road. Cross the road and head up the hill along the ridge to King’s Chair Overlook. King’s Chair, along with Peavine Falls, is the most visited hike-to location in Oak Mountain State Park
From there, you will follow the Rim-Walk-East trail, past “Queen’s Chair then head down the old Blood Rock route into the backcountry. At the sunken road, runners will turn left heading over to the “Grotto.” This is an amazing pool fed by a perpetual waterfall and spring. Have your camera ready.
Continue along an abandoned road, we call it “Water Line Trail” over to Belcher Lake. This is the lake directly below Kings Chair. We will have the Belcher Lake Aid Station on a grassy area that extends out into the lake. After the aid station you will continue northeast on the road onto another long-abandoned road for a 3.5-mile loop before returning to the Belcher Aid Station. Oh, did I mention “la Petite Barkley.” You will know when you arrive.
After Petite Barkley, follow the old abandoned road for just over a mile to the spillway of Belcher Lake. Look up! That’s Kings Chair up there. Continue across the spillway and back to the Belcher Aid Station #2.
Belcher lake
After the Belcher Lake 2 aid station, runners will follow Belcher Rd just over a mile, mostly downhill to, and along, the RR tracks to a right turn heading back to the mountain and everyone’s favorite climb, the not-so-petite Barkley. Runners will stay on the old Blood Rock course up and over Barkley and along the ridge to the descent of the “East Face Traverse” AKA, the Old Wagon Rd. At the bottom of the traverse, go left 50 yards on the Sunken Road, then back right along the single-track trail, The Train Station Connector for about a mile, cross over the Wyoming State Line and emerge at the Trail Station.
After the aid station, runners pass through the South Gate and go to the right up a private road for 200 yards then turn right again over to an old fire road. After about 1/2 mile you will reach the “Topless Climb” heading up to the Topless Rock Face. Make your way over the ridge and down to the Blue Trail. You are now headed back to Redbud Pavilion.
I highly recommend downloading the GPX file and taking a tour of the new course. By the end of September, the entire course should be cleaned off and ready for runners. Most trails are in good condition, including the Crack-in-the-Wall climb and the Quarry Trial. If you try to follow the course without using the GPX file as a guide, you will likely end up at my house in Chelsea. I live one mile from the “Trail Station” location.
Select your distance
Go to the Blood Rock 100 Page
Go to the Blood Rock 50 Page
Go to the Blood Rock 25 & 55K Page
2024 Blood Rock 50 Mile Course Map
2024 Blood Rock 50 Mile Course - Elevation Profile
You will notice slight variations in distance and elevation gain from one file or map to the next. Distance for the 50 mile loop will range from 51.05 to 51.16. We use CalTopo as out primary resource for creating course maps and measuring distances. Every time you make any change to the map, CalTopo recalculates the course statistics. Every time it recalculates the distances, it is slightly different from the previous calculations. This happens even if you don’t make any changes to the actual route. Since it’s all a “best guess” anyway, and the distance is negligible, it’s not worth spending hours trying to make everything match exactly.
The 50 Mile Course map can be viewed as a single 50 mile loop or by section. Click on the blocks on the left to select.
Download this 50 Mile GPX File to the GAIA App or your navigation device that you plan to carry in the race.
Blood Rock 25K and 50K CalTopo Map and GPX Files
About the 2025 Blood Rock Races
All Blood Rock races are Cupless
We have encouraged runners to bring their own cups is past year. This year we are officially Cupless. IF you intend to drink cokes, sprite or Mountain Dew, or water at aid stations, you will need your own cup. (Or something to drink out of.) We are no longer providing cold drink cups. We will have insulated cups for hot drinks and soup. At the Lake Martin 100, 50 and 27 each year we totally fill a commercial dumpster provided by Russell Lands just for the race. Lake Martin will also be “Cupless” next year.
Blood Rock 100 Mile
Blood Rock 100 will take place at Oak Mountain State Park, Alabama’s largest State Park, with over 11,500 Acres. The race starts and ends at the Redbud Pavilion near the BMX track on Tranquility Rd. The 100 Mile Race is 102.66 miles in length with 17,318 ft. of elevation gain. The hundred will start at 10:00 AM Friday. Aid stations distances range from 5 to 7 miles apart. The Cutoff for the 100 Mile Race will be 44 Hours. The 100 course is 2 laps of the 51.33 mile course. Due to the extremely difficult and remote nature of the backcountry sections of Blood Rock, we must enforce mandatory cutoffs. No one will need 44 hours to finish.
The Blood Rock 50 Mile
Blood Rock 50 Mile will take place at Oak Mountain State Park, The race starts and ends at the Redbud Pavilion near the BMX track on Tranquility Rd. The start will be at 7:00 AM Saturday. The course will be a single 51.33 loop of the curse. The 50 mile course will have 8,659ft. of elevation gain. 50 Mile runners may choose to start Friday with the 100 milers.
Blood Rock 25K and 50K
The Blood Rock 25 & 50K races are Southeastern Trail Series Points races and take place at Oak Mountain State Park. Both races start and end at The Redbud Pavilion. Both races will start at 7:00 AM Saturday. The 50K course will be one loop of the north end of the 50 mile course plus a short 2.55 mile loop. The 50K course is 31.06 miles. The 25K will be a partial loop of the north end of the 50 mile loop. The 25K course is 16.70 miles, 2,885 feet of elevation gain. The 50K and 25K will include all sections of the Belcher Tract. 50K and 25K runners are NOT allowed to have dropbags sent to any aid station. You are welcome to leave a dropbag at Redbud. 25K and 50K runners may NOT have pacers.
Blood Rock 100 mile runners are allowed to have pacers after 50 miles.
Blood Rock 50 mile runners are allowed to have pacers after dark.
Any Runner in the 50 or 100 over 65 may have a pacer any time.
50K and 25K runners are not allowed to have a pacers or dropbags. Please do not ask!
All 100 mile and 50 mile Runners must download the GPX file (below) of the race course and have it on a navigation device to be carried with them during the race. The simplest option is to download the Gaia App to your phone. It’s FREE. Next, download the GPX file to the GAIA App. We highly recommend 50K and 25K runners also download the APP. Almost every year, sections of the Blood Rock Course trail marking is changed or pulled up. Having the course downloaded on your phone may be the difference between a DNF or Finishing.
This is a short video explaining how to download the Blood Rock GPX file above and load it into the GAIA App on you iPhone.
Below are links to photos from the 2022 Blood Rock Races
Weekend Schedule for 2024
Don't forget, the park charges $5 per person to enter Oak Mtn State Park. The north gate to OMSP opens at 7:00 AM each day. Credit cards are NOT accepted. There is an ATM at the South Entrance.
Blood Rock 100 Schedule
Thursday December 5th - Packet Pickup - 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM: Redbud Pavilion (Start/Finish Location) at Oak Mountain State Park, on
Tranquility Rd, Adjacent to the BMX Track.
Friday December 6th - Packet Pickup - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: Redbud Pavilion, Oak Mountain State Park
Friday December 6th - Leave Drop Bags pick up SPOT Trackers - 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Friday December 6th - Race Briefing - 9:45 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Friday December 6th - Race Start - 10:00 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Sunday December 8th - Blood Rock 100 Mile Ends - 6:00 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Blood Rock 50 Mile, 50K and 25K
Friday, December 6th - Optional Packet Pickup - 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM: Redbud Pavilion, Oak Mountain State Park, Tranquility Rd, adjacent to the BMX track.
Saturday, December 7th - Packet Pickup for 50 Mile, 50K and 25K Runners - 5:00 AM to 6:30 AM: Redbud Pavilion, Oak Mountain State Park.
Saturday, December 7th - 50 Mile Runners - 5:00 AM to 6:30 AM: Redbud Pavilion. All 50 milers may leave drop-bags if desired.
Saturday, December 7th - Race Briefing - 6:45 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Saturday, December 7th - 50 Mile, 50K and 25K Race Start - 7:00 AM: Redbud Pavilion
Sunday December 8th - Blood Rock course closes - 6:00 AM: Redbud Pavilion
We do not accept drop-bags for 50K or 25K Runners.
Mandatory Cutoffs must be strictly enforced. This is a requirement by the OMSP.
Brandon Kasteler’s Blood Rock Race Report
Mon, Dec 12, 6:18 AM, Brandon sent me an email saying: “Enjoyed it, as always. Boiled down my write up to one sentence this time!” Brandon’s '“reviews” of Blood Rock are always fascinating. I was a little disappointed in the report this time since he only wrote one sentence. See what you think.