What you need to know
About the Lake Martin 100, 50 & 27
Friday, April 4th - 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Package Pickup for all races will be Friday afternoon at the Cabin (Race Start Location) at Russell Crossroads.
Do NOT bring dropbags to Friday afternoon packet pickup.
The address is: 17 Russell Farms Road, Alexander City, AL 35010. GPS Coordinates are: 32.764355, -85.945177
You MUST have a government issue photo ID to pick up your race packet and bib.
Each Runner must pick up their own race packet. You may not have someone pick up your race packet for you. You can pick up your bib Friday afternoon or Saturday morning before the race.
Friday, April 4th - 5:00 PM
We will be a short race briefing in the Cabin. We will cover such things as trail marking, course conditions, any last-minute changes, etc. and answer any questions. The meeting is NOT mandatory, but everyone is welcome, and we strongly urge all runners to attend.
Saturday, April 5th – 5:00 to 6:15 AM:
Packet Pickup for all races, HuTag (timing chip) pickup and drop-bag drop-off at the Cabin Start area.
We will accept drop bags for the Heaven Hill Aid Station for 50 and 100 mile races only. Be sure they are properly labeled with Name, Bib # and Aid Station and have them at the start no later than 6:30 AM. We will have an area designated for Heaven Hill Drop Bags, probably in the back of my white, Ford F150 truck. Drop bags for the Cabin aid station should be left on the porch of the Cabin. You may also leave your Cabin Dropbag in your car. We do not accept dropbags for Heaven Hill from 27 Mile Runners. However, 27miles are welcome to leave a bag in the Cabin or have supplies in your car.
If you arrive later than 6:15 AM you may not be able to get your race packet until after the race start. Your start may be delayed as much as 15 minutes so please arrive early. All runners may bring drop bags to the Cabin start area Saturday Morning.
Saturday, April 5th - 6:20AM: We will have a short race briefing covering final details and changes and remind everyone they MUST wear the HuTag on their ankle of their race may not be recorded.
Saturday, April 5th - 6:30 AM: Start of the 100, 50 and 27 Mile Race,
The races will start promptly at 6:30AM (Sunrise - 6:39 AM - Sunset - 6:59 PM) If you expect to take more than 11 hours to run the 27 or 50 mile you should have a flashlight or headlamp with you or have one in your dropbag at the Cabin.
Saturday, April 5th – 10:30 PM: Finish - 27 Mile and 50 Mile Race. (16 hour cutoff)
Sunday, April 6th – 2:30 PM: Finish - 100 Mile Race.
Racecourse will close at 2:30 PM Sunday, March 26th. (32 hour time limit) There will be mandatory cutoffs in place at the start/finish area at the start of the third and fourth laps of the 100. Sunday morning, a hot breakfast will be available at the Cabin for runners as they finish the 100. You and your crew are welcome to enjoy the custom made, hot breakfast. 100 mile runners are not required to stop at the 32 hour cutoff. As long as you can make it back to the Cabin before sunset you may continue running. We are required to dismantle and clean up the star/finish area so everything may be gone when you finish. You are still a 100 mile finisher and receive a Lake Martin 100 Buckle. If you think you may need more than 33 hours to finish you need to have crew members to stay at the Cabin until you make it back.
Awards will be presented as runners finish. Awards are given is all races to 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall, male and female.
We also give 1st in age group awards of Master (40-49) Grand Master (50-59) and Ultra Grand Master (60+) for all distances.
Changing Distance Race Day or During the race
Runners may change distance any time before race day and be able to compete for place and age group awards. You may move up in distance or mover down. If you move up, you will need to pay the difference in registration fees. Runners may also change distance race morning or during the race, however, you will not be eligible for place awards or age group awards. You will be considered an official finisher and receive a finisher award for the 27 or 50 mile. 100 milers will receive the Lake Martin 100 buckle.
Pacers for 100 Mile Runners
Runners are allowed to have pacers AFTER 50 miles. You may have as many pacers as you wish, but you may have only one pacer at a time, running with you. Pacers must sign a Russell Land's Liability Release before starting to pace. Pacers may start at either aid station but must check in with the aid station captain when you start and checkout when you stop pacing. 50 and 27 milers are not allowed pacers at any time.
Drop Bags
We will transport drop bags to Heaven Hill for all 50 & 100 Mile Runners ONLY.
100 Mile Runners may have two dropbags for Heaven Hill.
50 Mile Runners may have one dropbag at Heaven Hill.
Drop bags should be no larger than 12" X 16" X 24"
Do NOT use a garbage bag for your dropbag. (We might mistaken it for trash!)
We do not accept Styrofoam coolers, ice chests or large tubs.
Drop bags must be labeled with Bib #, Race Distance and Full Name.
We will return drop bags to the start as soon as possible, but 50 milers may need to go to Heaven Hill to pick up their bag.
We will NOT ACCEPT drop bags for 27 Milers for Heaven Hill.
27 Milers, 50 Milers and 100 Milers may have drop bags at the Cabin Start/Finish.
Cabin drop bags may be left around the cabin or you may use your car as a personal aid station.
Since you are responsible for carrying your "Cabin" aid station bag, it can be any size. (Be sure it is properly labeled if left by the Cabin)
If you leave your drop bag at the race, We CANNOT send it to you. If you do, Good Will certainly will appreciate the donation.
Don't Leave it, PLEASE!!
Date Change or Race Cancellation
I have never added a section like this in 13 years of putting on races. After COVID in 2020 we had to cancel the Lake Martin 100 entirely, and reschedule two other Southeastern Trail Runs races. So, Just in Case! Southeastern Trail Runs reserves the right to CHANGE the run date or CANCEL the run due to conditions beyond our control. Such conditions include but are not limited to: Acts of God, Pandemics, Other extreme conditions such as fire danger, landslides, or flooding on or near the course, Date changes or cancellation required by Russell Lands.
If we are forced to CHANGE the Race Date after registration opens, all registered runners will be automatically moved to the new date. Runners that are not able to run on the new run date, may request that their entry be transferred to the 2025 Lake Martin Race. If the Race Date Change occurs more than 60 days before the race, (January 15th, 2024) you may request a refund if you are not able to run on the new date. After January 15th, 2024, no refund can be given.
In the event of RUN CANCELLATION, all registered runners will be rolled over to the 2025 Lake Martin Race. If the Race Cancellation occurs more than 60 days before the race, (January 15th, 2024) you may request a refund if you are not able to run the following year. After January 15th, 2024, no refund can be given.
Crew and Aid Stations:
We are guests on the Russell Forest Trail System, private lands owned by Russell Lands and the Russell family. We will be sharing the trails with other users, so be courteous and careful so all can enjoy the weekend on the trials. The following guidelines are for your crew if they decide to meet you at trailheads around the course.
Do you need a crew:
It is certainly not necessary to have a crew or pacers. Some runners prefer to run “Solo.” A crew can make your race easier and faster or it can slow you down. Sometimes it is a huge motivation to know your wife (in my case) is waiting for you at the next aid station or the finish. It is also great to have someone that can bring a needed item to you at the next aid station, or, if you DNF, retrieve you from the middle of nowhere. The decision is yours.
Parking is limited at the trailheads and the start/finish area around the Cabin. We will have designated crew parking areas near the Cabin and all crew vehicles should park in those areas. Please see the map of the Start/Finish area. Do not park in the parking spaces near Catherine’s Market. Each runner will be issued a “Crew” parking permit that is to be displayed on your dashboard, at all times, while in the Russell Lands. You must park in the designated parking areas while at Russell Crossroads. There will be no parking allowed at or near the Stables or on the road leading down to the Stables.
Parking at the trailheads is less of a problem. If the trailhead parking area is full, you may park along the gravel road leading to the trailhead. Pull as far to the shoulder as possible. Do not block any roadways and do not block access to the trailhead. If the weather is nice there will probably be a few horse trailers at the trailhead. Leave plenty of room for them to get in and out. Try to carpool to trailheads whenever possible. Tell your crew to be courteous to everyone they encounter on in the Russell Forest Trail System. Remember, we are guests on private land. You might even meet a member of the Russell Family on the trail.
Rules for Your Crew: Just a word of warning. It is possible for your crew to get you, the runner, disqualified. Be sure you crew understands the rules.
Aid Stations are for Runners and Pacers ONLY. Bring supplies, snacks and food for your crew.
Your crew may not enter the aid station tent when you are not at the aid station.
You crew may get your drop bag before you arrive. The drop bags will be away from the aid station
You may ask your crew to get food or drink from the aid station while you are at the aid station location. Be sure they know your bib #.
Crew, DO NOT argue with any race official or aid station worker. (You could get you runner disqualified)
Crew members must abide by whatever they are told by a race official or the aid station captain.
Crew members may NOT drive to Heaven! You may park at Adamson Rd Trailhead and walk to Heaven Hill.
Park only in Lake Martin 100 designated parking areas around the Cabin. See the map of the Start/Finish area. DO NOT Park near Cahterin’s Market.
Do not be obnoxious at any time to anyone. (It might just be Mr. or Mrs. Russell.) I assure you, they will be around.
DO NOT LITTER. (Disqualification!)
Do not play loud music that might disturb others.
Aid Stations supplies are for runners & pacers only. Crew may NOT take anything from the aid station for any reason.
After you finish the race, your crew members are welcome to join your for the post-race food and beverage at the Cabin.